Writing a CLAP synthesizer in Rust (Part 1)

I’ve started to become a bit interested in playing around with sound synthesis as of late, and with the release of FL Studio 2024 adding CLAP plugin support I though that now would be perfect.

CLAP is basically an open source (MIT-licensed) alternative to VST, which means there’s no need to worry about any Steinberg licenses.

Before anything else I’d like to emphasize that I have no prior experience writing DAW plugins, synthesizers or effects, so this will very much be a learn-with-me-as-we-go-along series of blog posts. With that out of the way let’s get started.

Creating the project

Let’s start by creating a new library project, change the name of course if you’re following along.

cargo new --lib crabhowler

We want to produce a cdylib so we add the following section to our Cargo.toml file.

crate-type = ["cdylib"]

For the CLAP API I took a quick look around and decided to use github.com/prokopyl/clack which claims to be a “safe, low-level wrapper to create CLAP audio plugins and hosts in Rust”, and that sounds great, meaning we don’t have to use clap-sys directly.

However from what I could see it does not appear to be uploaded to crates.io (yet?) so we will have to add it as a git dependency.

cargo add --git https://github.com/prokopyl/clack.git clack-plugin

Getting it to show up in a DAW

A step that I feel would be logical to get out of the way as quickly as possible is to get our plugin to show up in the list inside a DAW.

This essentially means that we need to define our plugin struct and implement all traits required to allow us to clack_export_entry!.

I ended up with this (I will link to my repository at the end of the post so it’s okay if you skip intermediary code steps if you’re only after the end result).

use clack_plugin::{
    entry::{DefaultPluginFactory, SinglePluginEntry},
    host::{HostAudioProcessorHandle, HostMainThreadHandle, HostSharedHandle},
        Plugin, PluginAudioProcessor, PluginDescriptor, PluginError, PluginMainThread, PluginShared,
    process::{Audio, Events, PluginAudioConfiguration, Process, ProcessStatus},

pub struct CrabHowler;

impl Plugin for CrabHowler {
    type AudioProcessor<'a> = CrabHowlerAudioProcessor<'a>;
    type Shared<'a> = CrabHowlerShared;
    type MainThread<'a> = CrabHowlerMainThread<'a>;

    fn declare_extensions(builder: &mut PluginExtensions<Self>, shared: Option<&Self::Shared<'_>>) {

impl DefaultPluginFactory for CrabHowler {
    fn get_descriptor() -> PluginDescriptor {
        use clack_plugin::plugin::features::*;

        PluginDescriptor::new("com.kwarf.crabhowler", "Crab Howler")
            .with_features([INSTRUMENT, SYNTHESIZER, STEREO])

    fn new_shared(host: HostSharedHandle) -> Result<Self::Shared<'_>, PluginError> {
        Ok(CrabHowlerShared {})

    fn new_main_thread<'a>(
        host: HostMainThreadHandle<'a>,
        shared: &'a Self::Shared<'a>,
    ) -> Result<Self::MainThread<'a>, PluginError> {
        Ok(Self::MainThread { shared })

pub struct CrabHowlerAudioProcessor<'a> {
    shared: &'a CrabHowlerShared,

impl<'a> PluginAudioProcessor<'a, CrabHowlerShared, CrabHowlerMainThread<'a>>
    for CrabHowlerAudioProcessor<'a>
    fn activate(
        host: HostAudioProcessorHandle<'a>,
        main_thread: &mut CrabHowlerMainThread<'a>,
        shared: &'a CrabHowlerShared,
        audio_config: PluginAudioConfiguration,
    ) -> Result<Self, PluginError> {

    fn process(
        &mut self,
        process: Process,
        audio: Audio,
        events: Events,
    ) -> Result<ProcessStatus, PluginError> {

pub struct CrabHowlerShared {}

impl<'a> PluginShared<'a> for CrabHowlerShared {}

pub struct CrabHowlerMainThread<'a> {
    shared: &'a CrabHowlerShared,

impl<'a> PluginMainThread<'a, CrabHowlerShared> for CrabHowlerMainThread<'a> {}


Then let’s make a release build of it just for good measure.

cargo build --release

Stop for some macOS nonsense

Ignore this entire section if you’re sane enough to run some other OS.

It doesn’t seem like macOS (or at least FL Studio on mac) likes loading CLAP plugins directly in the .dylib format, so we will have to create a bundle.

I looked at cargo-bundle which seems to be the go-to thing to use, however it doesn’t seem like it supports bundling projects that are just a library. So I guess I’ll have to do it manually.

I want the absolute simplest Info.plist file possible, which looks to be something like this.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
    <string>Crab Howler</string>

Throw that shit in a directory structure that looks like this, where libcrabhowler.dylib is the binary from the target/release/ folder.

└── Contents
    ├── Info.plist
    └── MacOS
        └── libcrabhowler.dylib

This folder can now be placed in ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/CLAP.

Back to more OS agnostic things

You might have to add a new search path inside your DAW of choice for it to pick up the new plugin, but that’s the same as for any other plug.

After a quick rescan inside FL Studio it shows up! Nice!

FL Studio Plugin List

Making some noise

What good is an instrument plugin if it can’t make any sound at all? Let’s change that now.

We need to advertise that we support the note ports extension and audio ports extensions, which clack calls plugins, and they are in a separate crate which we have to add as a first step.

cargo add --git https://github.com/prokopyl/clack.git clack-extensions --features clack-plugin,audio-ports,note-ports

After this we can add them to the declare_extensions method in our Plugin impl.

fn declare_extensions(
    builder: &mut clack_plugin::prelude::PluginExtensions<Self>,
    shared: Option<&Self::Shared<'_>>,
) {

We then need to add implementations of these plugin traits for our main thread for everything to compile again.

For the audio port we want to advertise a single output port, with 2 channels (stereo) and indicate that it’s the main port.

impl<'a> PluginAudioPortsImpl for CrabHowlerMainThread<'a> {
    fn count(&mut self, is_input: bool) -> u32 {
        if !is_input {
        } else {

    fn get(&mut self, index: u32, is_input: bool, writer: &mut AudioPortInfoWriter) {
        if !is_input && index == 0 {
            writer.set(&AudioPortInfo {
                id: ClapId::new(1),
                name: b"main",
                channel_count: 2,
                flags: AudioPortFlags::IS_MAIN,
                port_type: Some(AudioPortType::STEREO),
                in_place_pair: None,

Then we want the reverse for the note port, a single input.

impl<'a> PluginNotePortsImpl for CrabHowlerMainThread<'a> {
    fn count(&mut self, is_input: bool) -> u32 {
        if is_input {
        } else {

    fn get(&mut self, index: u32, is_input: bool, writer: &mut NotePortInfoWriter) {
        if is_input && index == 0 {
            writer.set(&NotePortInfo {
                id: ClapId::new(1),
                name: b"main",
                preferred_dialect: Some(NoteDialect::Clap),
                supported_dialects: NoteDialects::CLAP,

Setting up an oscillator

Let’s take a break from all things clack here and write a dead simple oscillator that we can use to generate samples. We’ll separate it out and try to write it somewhat generically so that we could swap it out in the future for different waveforms and things like that.

We’ll set up a simple trait, we need to know about NoteOnEvent and NoteOffEvent and then we need a function that will fill the output buffer with data. Let’s also include a way to check if the oscillator is active or not so that we can report back to the DAW if our plugin can sleep until it’s sent new events. Put all this in a new file called oscillator.rs to keep things clean.

pub trait Oscillator {
    fn handle_note_on(&mut self, event: &NoteOnEvent);
    fn handle_note_off(&mut self, event: &NoteOffEvent);
    fn process(&mut self, left: &mut [f32], right: &mut [f32]);
    fn is_active(&self) -> bool;

I’m going to create a monophonic sine wave oscillator, but of course you’re free to make any other waveform if you’d like. We have to keep track of the sample rate, frequency, and phase.

pub struct SineOscillator {
    sample_rate: f32,
    frequency: f32,
    phase: f32,

impl SineOscillator {
    pub fn new(sample_rate: f32) -> Self {
        Self {
            frequency: 0.0,
            phase: 0.0,

impl Oscillator for SineOscillator {
    fn handle_note_on(&mut self, event: &NoteOnEvent) {
        if let Match::Specific(key) = event.key() {
            self.frequency = 440.0 * 2.0f32.powf((key as f32 - 57.0) / 12.0);

    fn handle_note_off(&mut self, _event: &NoteOffEvent) {
        self.frequency = 0.0;
        self.phase = 0.0;

    fn process(&mut self, left: &mut [f32], right: &mut [f32]) {
        if self.frequency == 0.0 {

        let increment = std::f32::consts::TAU * self.frequency / self.sample_rate;
        for (left, right) in left.iter_mut().zip(right.iter_mut()) {
            let sample = (self.phase * increment).sin();
            *left = sample;
            *right = sample;
            self.phase = (self.phase + 1.0) % self.sample_rate;

    fn is_active(&self) -> bool {
        self.frequency != 0.0

Initializing the oscillator

All sound generation is done inside our PluginAudioProcessor implementation, so we will have to add our new oscillator to that.

pub struct CrabHowlerAudioProcessor<'a> {
    osc: Box<dyn Oscillator + Send>,
    shared: &'a CrabHowlerShared,

An then we initialize it in the activate function.

fn activate(
    host: HostAudioProcessorHandle<'a>,
    main_thread: &mut CrabHowlerMainThread<'a>,
    shared: &'a CrabHowlerShared,
    audio_config: PluginAudioConfiguration,
) -> Result<Self, PluginError> {
    Ok(Self {
        osc: Box::new(SineOscillator::new(audio_config.sample_rate as f32)),

And yes, there’s no real reason to Box it right now, but I might want to be able to support different implementations in the future, and I don’t think we should worry about any performance lost by the indirection while learning.

Wiring up events and output

Now all that’s left is for us to handle the note event sent to us from the DAW, pass those along to our oscillator, and then call process with the audio buffers we are given to generate sound!

Because I wanted mutable references to both the left and right channel simultaneously in order to simplify handling stereo signals in the future this ended up a bit messier than I would have liked. Let me know if I’m being stupid and have missed some better way to do this.

fn process(
    &mut self,
    process: Process,
    mut audio: Audio,
    events: Events,
) -> Result<ProcessStatus, PluginError> {
    let mut output_port = audio
        .ok_or(PluginError::Message("No output port"))?;

    let mut output_channels = output_port
        .ok_or(PluginError::Message("Output is not f32"))?;

    // A bit of acrobatics to get simultaneous mutable references to both the left and right channels
    let mut split = output_channels.split_at_mut(1);
    let (left, right) = (
            .ok_or(PluginError::Message("Left channel not found"))?,
            .ok_or(PluginError::Message("Right channel not found"))?,

    for batch in events.input.batch() {
        for event in batch.events() {
            match event.as_core_event() {
                Some(CoreEventSpace::NoteOn(event)) => self.osc.handle_note_on(event),
                Some(CoreEventSpace::NoteOff(event)) => self.osc.handle_note_off(event),
                _ => {}

        let (left, right) = (
            &mut left[batch.sample_bounds()],
            &mut right[batch.sample_bounds()],

        self.osc.process(left, right);

    if self.osc.is_active() {
    } else {

Now let’s make a new release build and load it up in the DAW like we did earlier. Plop out some notes to make a simple tune (keep in mind that it should be monophonic) and hit play, and voila!

You can probably hear that we have clicks whenever a note ends, this is because we stop the waveform immediately, regardless of where we are. Ideally we should stop exactly at the zero-crossing point, but I wanted to keep the code as simple as possible for now.

Getting the code

Everything we’ve made up until this point can be accessed by browsing the part-1 tag over at github.com/Kwarf/crabhowler.

What’s next?

This feels like a good stopping point for part 1 of the series. The next part will probably introduce a GUI with at least one tuneable parameter.

To get some sort of notification when that’s posted you can follow me on Mastodon at @kwarf@fosstodon.org or subscribe to the RSS Feed if you’re old-school cool like that.

Update: Part 2 is now available here, and spoiler, it’s not about GUI.