Writing a CLAP synthesizer in Rust (Part 2)

In the previous post we got far enough to have created a CLAP plugin that can be loaded in a DAW and play basic monophonic sine wave tones from the note data. At the end of that post I mentioned that the next step would likely be to make a GUI, but I have changed my mind.

I got annoyed enough by the constant clicks that occur at the end of each note (as you can hear in the video at the end of the previous post) due to the simplicity of our oscillator and figured that I wanted to add a proper decay on note-off. Since I’m currently a feeling a bit overconfident I figured we might as well take it all the way and implement a “proper” ADSR envelope generator.

Getting started

The current starting point of all the code can be browsed on the GitHub repository, and I will add another link at the end of the post to a tag that shows the state we ended up at after doing everything.

In order for us to advertise parameters over the CLAP API we need to enable more feature flags of the clack-extensions dependency, specifically params, but we will also want to persist the value of these parameters so that adjustments made by the user are saved and restored properly, and this is done with state.

cargo add --features params,state clack-extensions

Let’s start by creating a new file called envelope.rs so we don’t end up with too much of a mess. To start with we will just create a struct for the envelope parameters and an implementation of the Default trait, since that will simplify things in a bit. The default values here are just guesses, and will likely be changed when we actually get sound produced by them.

pub struct Envelope {
    pub attack: f32,
    pub decay: f32,
    pub sustain: f32,
    pub release: f32,

impl Default for Envelope {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            attack: 0.01,
            decay: 0.1,
            sustain: 0.8,
            release: 0.1,

Then we can move back to our lib.rs to declare that we now support parameters in our Plugin impl by registering PluginParams.

fn declare_extensions(builder: &mut PluginExtensions<Self>, shared: Option<&Self::Shared<'_>>) {

This immediately causes compilation errors to show up, because we are now expected to provide an implementation of PluginMainThreadParams for our main thread. This is a fairly small trait with only 6 functions, but I will still split it up and explain each part step by step.

Main thread implementation

The first function is count, and this is as simple as it gets to implement because we have already decided to have attack, decay, sustain and release as our parameters, so keep it simple and just return 4 here.

fn count(&mut self) -> u32 {

Next up is get_info, this is called by the host (DAW) to get information such as parameter name, min/max/default values and things like that. To keep things simple we will keep all our parameters in the range of 0.0..1.0 so the only thing that will differ is the name and default values. This is where we find the Default trait we implemented useful, so we can keep a single source of truth and not risk forgetting to change values in multiple places in the future.

fn get_info(&mut self, param_index: u32, info: &mut ParamInfoWriter) {
    if let Some((name, default)) = match param_index {
        0 => Some(("Attack", Envelope::default().attack)),
        1 => Some(("Decay", Envelope::default().decay)),
        2 => Some(("Sustain", Envelope::default().sustain)),
        3 => Some(("Release", Envelope::default().release)),
        _ => None,
    } {
        info.set(&ParamInfo {
            id: param_index.into(),
            flags: ParamInfoFlags::IS_AUTOMATABLE,
            cookie: Default::default(),
            name: name.as_bytes(),
            module: b"",
            min_value: 0.0,
            max_value: 1.0,
            default_value: default as f64,

Now we’re at get_value which means that we have to take a look at how and where state is actually held. From a quick glance at the code we can see that the type that is accessible both to the audio processor and the main thread is the type that we declared in our Plugin implementation as type Shared<'a> = CrabHowlerShared;, which has been empty up until now, so let’s change that.

pub struct CrabHowlerShared {
    envelope: RwLock<Envelope>,

Note that we wrap it inside of an RwLock, this is because we need to be able to perform mutable writes to it from different threads that are only given immutable &-references to the shared state. It will all make sense further down, hopefully.

Because of our earlier implementation of Default for the Envelope type we can just derive that trait here, which allows a very simple change in the plugin factory to result in the state being created with correct defaults.

impl DefaultPluginFactory for CrabHowler {
    fn new_shared(_host: HostSharedHandle) -> Result<Self::Shared<'_>, PluginError> {

After all this we end up with a pretty clean and straight-forward implementation for get_value.

fn get_value(&mut self, param_id: ClapId) -> Option<f64> {
    let envelope = self.shared.envelope.read().ok()?;
    match param_id.into() {
        0 => Some(envelope.attack as f64),
        1 => Some(envelope.decay as f64),
        2 => Some(envelope.sustain as f64),
        3 => Some(envelope.release as f64),
        _ => None,

The next two functions to implement are value_to_text and text_to_value, the first being what the host (DAW) will use to format the value into something more user-friendly like “100 ms” before displaying it to the user, and the latter being used to convert user input back into a parameter value.

At this point we have a decision to make, if we want to present some abstract unit to the user like a range from 0% -> 100%, or if we want actual proper time units. I think time units looks better, but to simplify everything we’ll make it so that the value is in seconds, ideally we would probably want some sort of exponential curve to make it easy to set small values, but I think we can get away with keeping it simple by only allowing a 1 second maximum.

Keeping all this in mind we end up with something like this. Note that we have an edge case that is parameter 2 (the sustain), since that controls gain and not time. There’s also some logic to disregard any suffix that we might get in the user provided string, so that “0.5 s” will actually parse into 0.5.

fn value_to_text(
    &mut self,
    param_id: ClapId,
    value: f64,
    writer: &mut ParamDisplayWriter,
) -> std::fmt::Result {
    use std::fmt::Write;
    match param_id.into() {
        0 | 1 | 3 => write!(writer, "{:.2} s", value),
        2 => write!(writer, "{:.2} %", value * 100f64),
        _ => Err(std::fmt::Error),

fn text_to_value(&mut self, param_id: ClapId, text: &CStr) -> Option<f64> {
    let scale = if param_id == 2 { 0.01 } else { 1.0 };
    let input = text.to_str().ok()?;
    let suffix_idx = input
        .find(|c: char| !c.is_numeric() && c != '.' && c != ',')
        .unwrap_or_else(|| input.len());
    input[..suffix_idx].parse().map(|v: f64| v * scale).ok()

We’ve finally reached the last function in this trait, flush, which is what the host (DAW) will call with a set of parameter changes that we should perform.

This is where we have to get that mutable access to the envelope that I talked about earlier, and where the RwLock really comes into play.

fn flush(
    &mut self,
    input_parameter_changes: &clack_plugin::prelude::InputEvents,
    _output_parameter_changes: &mut clack_plugin::prelude::OutputEvents,
) {
    for event in input_parameter_changes {
        if let Some(CoreEventSpace::ParamValue(event)) = event.as_core_event() {
                .expect("Failed to acquire parameter write lock")

For reasons that will become apparent just a few lines further down I added a function to the Envelope to take the event and actually set the values.

impl Envelope {
    pub fn handle_event(&mut self, event: &ParamValueEvent) {
        match event.param_id().map(|x| x.into()) {
            Some(0) => self.attack = event.value() as f32,
            Some(1) => self.decay = event.value() as f32,
            Some(2) => self.sustain = event.value() as f32,
            Some(3) => self.release = event.value() as f32,
            _ => {}

We have now completed our implementation of the PluginMainThreadParams trait, but you might have noticed that our code is still not compiling. This is because we are also expected to provide an implementation of PluginAudioProcessorParams which is the equivalent trait for the audio processor thread.

Audio processor thread implementation

Thankfully this trait is very straightforward, with only a flush function, and because we wrote that handle_event function we reduce duplication at least a tiny bit, and the entire implementation ends up like this.

impl<'a> PluginAudioProcessorParams for CrabHowlerAudioProcessor<'a> {
    fn flush(
        &mut self,
        input_parameter_changes: &InputEvents,
        _output_parameter_changes: &mut OutputEvents,
    ) {
        for event in input_parameter_changes {
            if let Some(CoreEventSpace::ParamValue(event)) = event.as_core_event() {
                    .expect("Failed to acquire parameter write lock")

There’s also a small gotcha that I encountered, that ParamValue events can be sent to us in the process call of the audio processor as well, so we have to make a similar change there, that function is rather big so I’ll just include the relevant bit. Note on/off were the only events we needed to handle here before.

    match event.as_core_event() {
        Some(CoreEventSpace::NoteOn(event)) => self.osc.handle_note_on(event),
        Some(CoreEventSpace::NoteOff(event)) => self.osc.handle_note_off(event),
        Some(CoreEventSpace::ParamValue(event)) => self
            .expect("Failed to acquire parameter write lock")
        _ => {}

Persisting the parameter values

The plugin user will surely expect that any adjustments made to the parameters are actually saved with the project, and loaded again when opened, so we should implement state support.

Add a line to declare that we support PluginState so that we get new compilation errors to work towards.

fn declare_extensions(builder: &mut PluginExtensions<Self>, shared: Option<&Self::Shared<'_>>) {

This shows us that we’re expected to implement PluginStateImpl for our main thread. This post is already way too long, so let’s just create a really simple implementation that directly saves/loads our 4 values directly. If you want something a bit more sofisticated I’m sure bincode could result in a cleaner solution handling the entire struct as one.

impl<'a> PluginStateImpl for CrabHowlerMainThread<'a> {
    fn save(&mut self, output: &mut OutputStream) -> Result<(), PluginError> {
        let envelope = self.shared.envelope.read().or(Err(PluginError::Message(
            "Failed to acquire parameter read lock",

    fn load(&mut self, input: &mut InputStream) -> Result<(), PluginError> {
        let mut envelope = self.shared.envelope.write().or(Err(PluginError::Message(
            "Failed to acquire parameter write lock",
        let mut buf = [0; 4];
        input.read_exact(&mut buf)?;
        envelope.attack = f32::from_le_bytes(buf);
        input.read_exact(&mut buf)?;
        envelope.decay = f32::from_le_bytes(buf);
        input.read_exact(&mut buf)?;
        envelope.sustain = f32::from_le_bytes(buf);
        input.read_exact(&mut buf)?;
        envelope.release = f32::from_le_bytes(buf);

This is a good spot to take a break from writing code and making a new release build to try out in the DAW. This will look differently depending on what DAW you’re using, because we’re not drawing the UI ourselves (yet), instead relying on the DAW to create knobs for the parameters we’re advertising.

Adjusting things should work correctly, and when you save and re-open the project everything should load up in the same state as when it was saved. Nice!

Parameter UI provided by the DAW

Refactoring the oscillator

We’re finally at the point where we can go ahead and make use of our new parameters to actually make the synthesizer sound better. Because I’ve spent quite a few hours writing this post by now, and fear that I’m going slightly mad, I’ve decided that we should make it polyphonic as well, because why not. But first, the ADSR…

We will need some way to keep track of how far along the envelope we are, so we can determine what stage we are in and what volume is expected of it at that point in time. I think it’s best to put this in a new file as well, let’s call it adsr.rs.

Only 3 of the 4 stages require us to track time, the sustain stage should be active until we receive a note-off event. Let’s make use of Rusts enum to track our state like this.

pub enum ADSRState {

I’m thinking that we count samples as we go along, and to simplify and reduce the number of casts we’ll store them as f32.

In addition to keeping track of where we are we will of course have to know for how long we should be in each stage, thankfully we alredy have Envelope from before for this, so we’ll go ahead and combine the two into a new struct.

pub struct ADSR {
    envelope: Envelope,
    pub state: ADSRState,

This gives us everything we need to move along the envelope and calculate gain values as we go along. This will be done for each sample, so I figure that it’s easiest to make a process function that both increments the current state as well as returning the current value while doing so.

impl ADSR {
    pub fn new(envelope: Envelope) -> Self {
        ADSR {
            state: ADSRState::Attack(0.0),

    pub fn release(&mut self) {
        self.state = ADSRState::Release(0.0);

    pub fn process(&mut self, sample_rate: f32) -> f32 {
        match self.state {
            ADSRState::Attack(sample) => {
                let attack_samples = self.envelope.attack * sample_rate;
                self.state = if sample >= attack_samples {
                } else {
                    ADSRState::Attack(sample + 1.0)
                sample / attack_samples
            ADSRState::Decay(sample) => {
                let decay_samples = self.envelope.decay * sample_rate;
                self.state = if sample >= decay_samples {
                } else {
                    ADSRState::Decay(sample + 1.0)
                1.0 - (1.0 - self.envelope.sustain) * (sample / decay_samples)
            ADSRState::Sustain => self.envelope.sustain,
            ADSRState::Release(sample) => {
                let release_samples = self.envelope.release * sample_rate;
                self.state = ADSRState::Release(sample + 1.0);
                self.state = if sample >= release_samples {
                } else {
                    ADSRState::Release(sample + 1.0)
                self.envelope.sustain * (1.0 - sample / release_samples)
            ADSRState::Ended => 0.0,

I won’t go into too much detail here as it’s not very complicated, it’s basically just a state machine with some linear interpolations.

Managing the voices

We have quite some changes ahead of us back in our old oscillator.rs. First of all we have to move frequency and phase out from the SineOscillator into a new Voice struct, to actually keep track of the different tones we’re generating.

We will also need some additional information so we can figure out in the note-off events which of the active voices we should start the release of. Then the new ADSR state struct we just created of course, and let’s throw in note velocity as well since it will just be another multiplicaiton.

Let’s also prepare for the future by lifting over the wave generation from process into a function on the Voice.

pub struct Voice {
    channel: u16,
    key: u16,
    note_id: Option<u32>,
    frequency: f32,
    phase: f32,
    velocity: f32,
    adsr: ADSR,

impl Voice {
    pub fn next_sample(&mut self, sample_rate: f32) -> f32 {
        let increment = self.frequency / sample_rate;
        let sample = (self.phase * std::f32::consts::TAU).sin();
        self.phase = (self.phase + increment) % 1.0;

The only thing left in our initial struct is sample_rate, and of course our new voice bank. I decided on 16 simply because 8 would be less than you have fingers (probably), and I like round numbers. Option is just because I think it’s pretty clean to just set it to None when it’s not playing.

pub struct SineOscillator {
    sample_rate: f32,
    voices: [Option<Voice>; 16],

In handle_note_on we will now have to first find a free “slot” in our array, then initialize a voice there with all our note and parameter data. One thing to keep in mind here is that I clone() the parameters, meaning that any changes or automations done after the note is triggered will not be applied, but I don’t think that’s a problem for what we’re building here.

fn handle_note_on(&mut self, envelope: &super::Envelope, event: &NoteOnEvent) {
    if let (Match::Specific(channel), Match::Specific(key)) = (event.channel(), event.key()) {
        if let Some(voice) = self.voices.iter_mut().find(|voice| voice.is_none()) {
            *voice = Some(Voice {
                note_id: event.note_id().into_specific(),
                frequency: 440.0 * 2.0f32.powf((key as f32 - 57.0) / 12.0),
                phase: 0.0,
                velocity: event.velocity() as f32,
                adsr: ADSR::new(envelope.clone()),

Since we want that Envelope we’ll have to make some changes in process over in lib.rs to pass it in from there.

    Some(CoreEventSpace::NoteOn(event)) => {
        let envelope = self.shared.envelope.read().or(Err(
            PluginError::Message("Failed to acquire parameter read lock"),
        self.osc.handle_note_on(&envelope, event)

handle_note_off will follow the same concept, we (try to) find the voice that matches the note we received, but then we trigger the release stage of the envelope instead of just cutting everything, finally getting rid of that clicking we had before.

fn handle_note_off(&mut self, event: &NoteOffEvent) {
    if let Some(voice) = self.voices.iter_mut().flatten().find(|voice| {
        event.channel().as_specific() == Some(&voice.channel)
            && event.key().as_specific() == Some(&voice.key)
            && event.note_id().as_specific() == voice.note_id.as_ref()
    }) {

Last up is changing process so that it will output sound from all active voices. But first we now unconditionally zero-fill the buffers sent to us, to have a clean state for our voiced to add onto. We also go through all active voices to find any that have reached ADSRState::Ended and disable them by assigning them None.

Then it’s finally time to go through the entire buffer given to us and generate sound. I decided to store all active voices in a local vector because I imagined that’d be better for performance, but since I have no measurements it’s very likely to be a premature optimization and actually end up worse, because they were already in a contiguous array and checking for Some likely near-free. I’m getting sidetracked again.

fn process(&mut self, left: &mut [f32], right: &mut [f32]) {

    // Turn off voices that have reached the end of their release phase
        .filter(|voice| match voice {
            Some(voice) => voice.adsr.state == ADSRState::Ended,
            None => false,
        .for_each(|voice| *voice = None);

    // Let's create a small vector to hold all active voices to (maybe?) increase performance a bit
    let mut active_voices = self.voices.iter_mut().flatten().collect::<Vec<_>>();

    for (left, right) in left.iter_mut().zip(right.iter_mut()) {
        for voice in &mut active_voices {
            let sample = voice.next_sample(self.sample_rate)
                * voice.velocity
                * voice.adsr.process(self.sample_rate);

            *left += sample;
            *right += sample;

Another thing we have to do is change is_active to check for active voices instead of that frequency check we had there before.

fn is_active(&self) -> bool {

Trying it all out

It’s time! Let’s do a release build and throw it into the DAW!

It still sounds a bit harsh and raw, but what can you expect from just a bunch of pure sine waves? Considering what we had in the last part it’s a major improvement!

Getting the code

Everything we’ve made up until this point can be accessed by browsing the part-2 tag over at github.com/Kwarf/crabhowler.

What’s next?

In the previous part I wrote that part 2 was going to cover GUI rendering. As we now know it did not turn out like that, but maybe part 3 will. I’m thinking it could be fun to visualize the envelope and drawing each voice on it as they progress. Not very useful maybe, but a good exercise to learn from.

As always, to get some sort of notification when new parts are posted you can follow me on Mastodon at @kwarf@fosstodon.org or subscribe to the RSS Feed.